Before Your First Game...

This is part 1 of the New Member's Guide, a series of articles that help prepare new club members for their first season.

We are glad you are here and decided to endure this amazingly fun sport with us. This article is part one of the series of new member guides that is meant to help you before you get onto the ice.

Apply For An Account

If you are here, we assume that you have a GCC account. If you do not, you can apply here.

Joining a League

If you have just joined the club, welcome! You have probably joined a league, probably one of our Managers Choice (MC) leagues. This is a great way to get started with curling and meet new people. Most MC leagues have teams with a mix of experienced and newer curlers to encourage learning, keep the teams balanced, and most of all, have fun!

For a list of leagues, go to the Leagues page.
If you have any questions, email the League Coordinator at


Before your first game, be sure to arrive at least 45 minutes ahead of your draw time to spend some time in the pro-shop getting your equipment. Or, come on an earlier night so you can take your time and even try out the equipment. Bring the shoes you will wear curling so you can get the right-sized grippers and slider. New members to the club without previous curling experience receive a free pair of grippers at the pro-shop. You will likely need to purchase a step-on slider.

For more information, see the next article in this series, Equipment Guide For New Members, which gives more detail on curling equipment and makes some suggestions to help you decide on what you want.