Junior Spiel Kudos and Results

February 3, 2020 - 12:48pm -- Lisa Rauliuk

PiglettesAyrshire The State Fair themed Junior Spiel was a fantastic success, exceeding all expectations! This was the largest junior spiel ever at GCC, consisting of 14 teams with 3 teams from Denver and 5 from Portland.

The Piglettes, Connor Kauffman, Alex Couckuyt and Andrew Bell, Coach Chris Sherry, took the advanced Division: Animals at the State Fair

Ayrshire, Caiden Rose, Avery Wilson, Genessa Capra, Tate Reeder-Holman Coach: Nancy Maule, took the Intermediate Division: Cattle Breeds at the State Fair

And huge thanks to all of the FANTASTIC Volunteers!
• Ice Crew : Don, John, Tim, Dave, Severin and Laila
• Kitchen Crew : led by the amazing Brandon & Teresa Lee, KT Kauffman, Sue Lorvick, Alison Buchanan, Jeff Bell, Marcy Couckuyt, Sharon Chan, Suzanne McLaughlin, and Grillmaster Phil Shyrock
• Carnies: Eric and Rachel Lin
• Set up: Jeff Pearson, Lori Markham, Arianna Rauliuk, and Klare Frank
• Clean up: Jami Odell, Connor Kauffman, Andrew Bell, and Alex Couckuyt
• Bartender: Anna Muzzy
• And the Celebrity Judges: U18 Coaches Chris Sherry, Fran Walsh, and James Cramer