
Lifetime Members

Lifetime membership is awarded for outstanding contributions to GCC.

Errol Anderson Lee Carman Mary Cook
Doris Day Linda Draper Phil Draper
Joseph Fox Marion Frosch Al Frosch
Wayne Gilham Wendall Hall Bob Hardy
Sharon Hardy Jack Kappler Bob Knievel
Miyo Konno Betty Kozai Cindy Kozai
Cal Larway Severin Larson Dave Leinweber
Chuck Lundgren Mary Melton Lila Petterson
Gail Piper James Pleasants Doug Potter
Bob Prince Lisa Rauliuk Lisa Rugen
Keith Schreiber Paul Shafer Joan Sienkiewicz
Alice Simmers Jim Stephens William J. Tomlinson
Douglas Williams John Wright Marjorie Yalowicki
Scott McLean

Cruickshank Award

Named after club founder and second president, the Cliff Cruickshank Award is dedicated to those members to who reflect the true "Granite" spirit of curling.

1989 Jack Kappler 1991 Walt Knie 1991 Sophie Wallace
1992 Joe Fox 1993 Marjorie Yalowicki 1994 Bob Evetts
1995 Linda Draper 1996 Julie Pittman 1997 Linda Draper
1998 Doug Potter 2000 Nicole Wood 2001 Cindy Kozai
2002 Tom Grismer 2003 Phil Draper 2004 Mary Melton
2005 Tom FitzGerald 2006 April Gale-Seixeiro 2007 Sarah Booth
2007 Sahara Pirie 2008 Keith Schreiber 2009 David Cornfield
2011 Betty Kozai 2011 Lisa Rugen 2012 Pat Sweet
2013 Mike Blackard 2014 Lori Markham 2015 Harry Saylor
2016 Miyo Konno 2017 Ethan Bradford 2018 Lisa Rauliuk
2019 Tim Eng 2020 John Rasmussen 2022 Jeff Pearson, Richard Palmason
2023 Scott McLean 2024 Phil Shryock