
The street address of the club is 1440 N 128th Street, Seattle, WA. (Don't try to send mail to this address. The mailing address is different.)


If you are coming from the north on I-5,

  • take Exit 175 (NE 145th St) and go right onto NE 145th.
  • left on 1st Ave NE (the next light).
  • right on N 130th St (the next light).
  • left into the club parking lot just past Ashworth Avenue and the club (big white building).

If you are coming from the south on I-5,

  • take Exit 174 (NE 130th St) and go left onto N 130th St.
  • left into the club parking lot just past Ashworth Avenue and the club (big white building).

Recommended Accommodations

Click here for our current recommended accommodations and other information you might need if you're traveling here.

Pet and Service Animal Policy

Pets are not allowed but service animals are welcome.