USWCA All American Spiel

Granite Curling Club of Seattle

November 16, 2019 - Completed

USWCA All American Spiel

The All-American has been sponsored by The USWCA since 1966. The All-American is an inner-club event held during the curling season by member clubs throughout the United States. The USWCA provides beautiful All-American pins to each member club to present to the winners.

This spiel is a friendly spiel and everyone gets to enjoy the spirit of curling: New curlers and Granite's long time members all need to participate. A time to socialize and get to know fellow curlers. Sign up as individual stating preferred position. Teams formed the day of the spiel.

Includes a "Hearty All American" meal.

Theme: Red, White & Blue (so wear those stars and stripes).

Teams - 6

Team Name Members W L Position
Eagles Joyce Lingg, Abby Lin, Lee Cerveny, Kat Painter 3 2 Winner
Stripes Margreet de Leeuw, Jessica Schultz, Megan DeVeau, Suzanne McLaughlin 2 1 Finalist
Red Karen Brattesani, Margee Will, Sally Walker, June Fox 3 2 B Winner
Stars Marj Yalowicki, Kara McBroom, Suzanne Sowinska, Faye Alesse 0 1  
White Gina Triolo, Nadyne Krienke, Leslie Frosch, Rachel Rudinger 0 1  
Blue Miyo Konno, Kathy Justice, Jenny Evans, Rachel Lin 1 2  

Last Update: 2025 Feb 13 12:24:38 pm PST