State Club Championships

Granite Curling Club of Seattle

December 17-19, 2011 - Completed

Team Information



Thomas Violette, Leon Romaniuk, Paul Lyttle, Harold (Duane) Rutan

Record: 4-2 - A Finalist

Won Saturday 9:00 am - Game A1
Violette     1 2   4 6   7        
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Beck H 3 5 8                  
Won Saturday 2:00 pm - Game A5
Violette     1 2   4       5      
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Shoesmith H 3                      
  1. red draw on last rock comes up wide and a bit short. blue steals 1.
  2. shoesmith draws to pot for 1, measure for second goes to blue.
  3. violette sitting 5 without hammer. first rock for red.
    violette sitting 6, last rock for shoesmith.
    red misses difficult in-off. 4 for blue. handshakes.
Lost Saturday 7:00 pm - Game A7
Kauffman H 1   2 4       8   9    
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Violette   3 5 6 7                
  1. Wow - Kauffman makes a risky double to take 4. The crowd goes wild!
Lost Sunday 9:00 am - Game B5
Pleasants     1   3 5 7     9       10
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Violette H   2 4   6   8            
Won Sunday 2:00 pm - Game C3
Violette H 1   4 6 7     8        
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Shoesmith   2   3 5 9              
  1. violette has soft hit and flop for 3, but noses. blue scores 2.
  2. shoesmith has tough shot for 1, against 3 blue. overcurls and crashes. steal of 3 for violette.
  3. violette doubles out 2 red to end game. handshakes.
Won Sunday 7:00 pm - Game C5
Kauffman     1     4 6 9          
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Violette H     2   3 5 7   8      
Kauffman is in the driver's seat for these playoffs. He almost has an incentive to lose this game - as then he gets tomorrow morning off before having to win one of the next two games. If he wins this game, he only has to win one of the next three games. Kauffman is play three handed tonight without Ken Trask.
  1. measure for whether it's one two or three.
  2. tom has two welded on top of blue at the back of the four foot. Doug's first rock is short and hits a rock at the top of the house. Second shot is a try at raise takeout - just misses
  3. Doug hits but doesn't quite roll out.
  4. Doug's last rock freezes on top of red with blue behind. Tom corners it, but only the shot rock scores.
  5. Leon doubles to lie four. Hit and roll doesn't roll. Leon hits. John rolls a bit this time. Tom crashes on the guard - blue has one at edge of eight, three blue on twelve. Doug's draw is light. Tom hits to lie four. Doug draws.
  6. John makes a double raise double to lie two. Leon make a double to lie two red. John makes a double raise takout that's almost a double but clears the four foot and leaves nothing in front of it. Leon's a bit light to split the house - it's mid eight foot. Doug almost doubles but leaves red shot with a blue in front and back of it. Tom rubs the guard on an attempt to lie two. Doug just ticks his blue into the shot to lie one by just a touch. Tom draws the back of the buttom.
  7. Duane lines up two close to the front of the house while Andreas draws the button and puts one in front of the two red. Paul draws the button - hard to tell who's shot. Andreas peels his own guard. Paul guards. John peels one guard but drives another into the button pushing the blue back to the edge of the eight so that red lies two. Leon guards. John clears more guards. Leon guards. John peels it. Tom guards but there's a corner of a red exposed. Doug rubs the guard. Tom guards. Doug almost makes a long raise takeout but the shot rock jams on the blue at the back and the raised rock rolls too far out.
  8. Andreas's third rock removes a red at the top of the house and rolls to the edge of the twelve foot at the T-line. There's a blue at the opposite center of the eight foot behind a red and blue lined up. Paul hits and stick on the blue at the twelve. John nudges his own blue and stops at the back of the four. Leon hits and sticks. Ditto for John. Leon almost doubles but his shot rolls behind the remaining blue. The blue is now off slight to the outside of the two lined up rocks in front of the house. John's draw is light and is in front of the house. Tom hits on the outside and rolls out to lie two. Doug draws but slightly rubs the guard to lie open. Tom hits and rolls past the guard line - but still lies three. Doug draws.
  9. Andreas puts up a center guard just back of the hog line. Duane draws the top eight foot. Andreas puts up another center guard four feet behind the first. Duane close to corner freezes his first shot. Andreas draws but nudges the two reds. Paul peels the top guard. John also nudges the stack of three and rolls outside. Paul peels guard 2. John's draw is light and sits just off the top of the stack of three. Leon double peels leaving two red at the top with a blue off to the side. John draws for shot but it's open. Leon hits and rolls behind the stack of two. Doug draw is heavy to the back of the eight. Tom hits and sticks. Doug concedes.
Kauffman clearly didn't lose the game on purpose - but he's probably looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning.