Men's Western Regional

Granite Curling Club of Seattle

January 5-8, 2012 - Completed

Team Information


Chris Pleasants, Zach Radmer, Jon Chartrand, Rich Burmeister

Record: 1-3

Lost Thursday 7:00 pm - Game D12
Beighton 12.300* 1     3   4   6 8      
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pleasants 20.900* 2 5 7                  
Lost Friday 1:00 pm - Game D22
Kauffman 46.700*   2   6 7 8   10        
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pleasants 9.500* 1     3 4 5 9          
Lost Friday 7:00 pm - Game D31
Pleasants 3.600* 1   3 4                
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Johnson 73.000*     2   5   6     7    
  1. Official Joel Russ looking very fine in his upscale waiter finery, including hand-tied bow tie – the buzzer sounds to start the game. After lead stones, Johnson has a rock partially behind cover at the back of the 4-foot and then freezes to is with their first second stone. Two red (Johnso) stones out front, with two stones in the 4ft (one red, one blue. Looks liek the red at the back of the button is shot and both teams are playing as if it is. 4ft is cleared out through 3 shots, Pleasants sitting 1 and 2. First skip stone, hit roll for the double, missed the doube and Brady's shot slides out the back. Attempt to draw misses, brady draws slightly under cover at the back of the 4ft. hack weight hit for two is the call
  2. Center and corner guards up, blue at the back of the 4ft, Johnson comes around for the freeze. rockends up short of shot, in the 8ft. Another blue stone in the back 12ft for Pleasants, Johhnson responds with a corner freeze to the blue at the back of the 4ft. Beautiful shot by Leon (Team Johnson) to push the blue out of the 4ft and roll behind cover to the back of the button. Start of Skips stones - Chris's first. Johnson sits 3 with lots of garbage at the back of the house. Chris picks one out to sit second shot. Mistake by Brady opens up the shot rock for a freeze or a hit. Looks like a hack weight hit - finds the guard to push the red into the blue and Johnson sits 3 with their final rock to come. Final rock voer curls and rather than taking 4, Team Johnson takes 3
  3. Johnson lead rocks (red) in the house, Pleasants (blue) responds with a high guard and then the come-around the rubs off the red in the 12ft. Johnson now sitting 3, with two behind cover (top 12 and back 4, Pleasants responds with a draw to the top 4, but up for the hit. While watching sheet two, Pleasants somehow slipped a blue rock behind cover at the back of the button to sit one. Johnson's drawing through a tight port to setup the rest of the end. Hell of a shot by Pleasants to draw into the button and sit two with skips stones to come. Brady's first stone hangs out there and while opening things up, Pleasants still sits two and guards his rocks to prevent the runback. Brady goes for the off-in, makes it, chipping out one of the blue to sit second shot. Blue sits one at the back of the button, maybe a raise on the center guard, but it's dangerous. Chris makes it with perfect weight and line - raising his guard to catch the red at the edge of the button, pushing it out to take two and tie the game
  4. Chris is in trouble are the words next to me. Johnson has two frozen in the top 8, behind cover. An attempt to corner freeze comes up short, so Brady's hitting and rolling. Result is wrecking on the guard, so Pleasants tries again and misses. brady puts the guard back up. Chris looks to peel, no he's running back the guard to break up the frozen rocks and sit 1 and 3! Great Shot. Darren draws into the button, hoping for the jam, but Chris picks it out, so Darren replaces it, putting it into the back 4ft. Chris first stone is to pick that rock out and roll behind cover, which Chris executes perfectly. Brady responds by tapping it out, but Chris can just follow him down, which he does, with a perfect roll to make the double hard. Bradys tries for the double, but just misses (we all thoguht he had it until he didn't) to give up one!
  5. Center guard, come- around hit, come around. Red sits slightly behind cover with two rock in the house., Pleasants came in, Brady hit. Pleasants throws a double, but misses, slipping through the hole and leaving Johnson sitting 2. Leon's draw comes up short, opening up the opportunity for Pleasonats to take a shot at the double on the other side. They miss the double, but get one and roll out. Johnson sits 1. Darren stands at the hog line, wondering how he missed the split so badly. A chance for Pleasants - they squeak by their guard to peel out the red guard, but Brady comes around to the 8ft, not quite a guard and not quite a freeze. Chris' first shot - throwing the hit to clear out the 4 ft, but he leaves one around for shot and sits open for the hit. Looking like two for Brady...he makes the open hit and we all realize that there's a red rock at the back of the house! Brady's sitting 3 not 2!
    Chris' final stone freezes to the hidden stone at the back, and now Brady's sitting 1
    Final red stone comes up a bit shot and Brady takes 2 into the 5th end break
  6. center and corner guard, with a red on the button. Red now sits with two in the house behind cover and thrid stones being thrown. High guard just slips over the hog line
    Chris tries the runback, but misses, so Brady puts up another guard, filling the hole and taking away any runbacks
    Chris tries for the double peels, but leaves the red on the center line, so Brady throws another guard. Chris throws the double peel, but sticks around, Brady puts the guard back and Chris is going to try the runback double facing two in the house...nope - two red
  7. First rock in the house, blue pushes it back to the back of the house and sticks around (?) on the opposite side. Red rock on the button, followed by a blue rock the almost freezes, but it's enough for Leon to chip it out. Now the draw to the top 12 and it's chipped out again. High guard (I seem to remember a professional commentator calling such a shot useless :-) and Brady peels it out. Red's sitting two, but Chris takes one out, only to see it replaced by another one in the top 12. Chris thows at the one on the button, but flashes and Brady responds with another rock into the 4 ft. Chris trys for the double, but one rock sticks around and Brady's throwing at the blue rock on the edge of the 12. All of a sudden, Brady's sitting 3 and Chris's draw is heavy and their shaking hands! Team Johnson wins!
Won Saturday 9:00 am - Game D41
Pleasants 26.100*     6     8   9        
Blank: 1 2 3 4 Score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Guzman 73.000* 5 7