Washington Club Championships - Draw 3

Granite Curling Club of Seattle

Draw 3. Sunday January 18, 2015 9:00 am PST

Sheet 3 - Complete
Sieg GCC 66.600*   1   4 5 7     8      
Blank: 3 Score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ernst GCC 80.100*   2   6                
CW Steve 13.1, CCW Lyle 53.5. CW Doogie 73, CCW Andrew 7.8
  1. draw for two.
  2. Lyle makes a runback double.
  3. touch wide on the double attempt and rolls out.
  4. John H center guards. Steve comes around back of four. John H another center guard - although he probably wanted to sit on top of the blue. Steve draws top four about 2/3 exposed. John S crashes on the center guard. Ken guards a bit heavy. John S removes top two blues. Ken guards a touch narrow. Doogie hits the blue and rolls out. Tom draws behind the guard edge of four - half or so showing. Doogie corners it and rolls beside. Tom takes out the red and sticks. Andrew taps on the top - blue still shot. Lyle chips the red to back twelve. Andrew hits shot rock and sticks to lie one. Lyle hits and rolls too far.
  5. Tom punches a red back to lie five. Doogie hits the top one, blue still lies three. Lyle has to consider how to get rid of the red - puts one next to it and lie four. Andrew taps the red to shot. Lyle raise takes it out to lie four. Andrew's raise is not quite enough.
Sheet 4 - Complete
Good GCC 120.400*     2   5 6 10          
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Konno GCC 13.000* 1   3 4 7 8   9        
CW Marissa 73, CCW Em 47.4. CW Jiyoung 0.9, CCW Kris 12.1
  1. Two reds and two blues in the four foot well guarded, red shot. Kris's guard is just over the hog line. Raise doesn't work out.
  2. Em throws a double raise takeout to score two.
  3. Kris tries a double runback - touch wide
  4. Kris needs a hit and stick.
  5. Another messy house: red back of four is shot, blue top of four is second with three guards up front. Em removes two of them. Em is short on final draw.
  6. Em looking at three with no backing - needs to draw four - heavy.
  7. Miyo is wide on a double to leave blue lying two. Em draws in a third. Kris hits the top one on to a back one - blue lying one. Em draws. Kris hits and rolls in front of the remaining blue. Em can't quite chip it out.
Sheet 5 - Complete
Guzman GCC 13.700* 2   6 7   8 10          
Blank: 1 Score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Guy GCC 111.100*     3 4 5 9            
CW Jeremy 9.9, CCW Benj 3.8. CW Mac 70.9, CCW Stephen 40.2
  1. draw against two - almost light
  2. Mac is a touch light but still has two in. Benj has a hit and roll slightly in - but it rolls too far.
  3. Benj's double doesn't quite work out.
  4. not quite on a try for raise double.
  5. Mac's short on a draw.
  6. Mac looking at 3 or 4 - hits the button.
  7. Mac is lying one so he draws behind the guard back four. Benj draws - it almost over curls.

Color Key: Men Women

*Last Stone Draw (LSD) in inches.  Lowest gets hammer in first end.

Last Update: 2025 Feb 6 1:52:50 pm PST

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