Holiday Bonspiel

Granite Curling Club of Seattle

December 12-14, 2014 - Completed

Open Spiel, team signup only. Individuals looking for a team should contact the spiel chairs, Harry Saylor or Molly McCarthy for assistance finding a team to play on. 32 teams maximum. This event has a team entry fee of $280 USD. Paying by credit card or PayPal secures your spot. Payments by check must be received 3 weeks prior to the event.

Winning team in bold. All times are PST.
Time Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Sheet 5
Fri 6:00 pm A1. The Naughty List vs. Red Nosed Drain Beers W:A17, L:B1 A3. Frosty the Guzman vs. St. Nick and his Elves W:A18, L:B2 A4. Sharon's Little Helpers vs. Keendeers W:A18, L:B2 A2. The Griswolds vs. Pretend that he is Parson Brown W:A17, L:B1 A5. Who Schatz in my Stocking? vs. Jell-o Shots of the Month Club W:A19, L:B3
8:15 pm A9. 3 Humans 1 Elf 2 Cups vs. Hot Buttered Bums W:A21, L:B5 A7. South for the Winter vs. Schweddy Xmas Stones W:A20, L:B4 A6. Clark! The Herald Angels Sing vs. 4 Calling Birds W:A19, L:B3 A8. The Krampuses vs. Mele Knievelmaka W:A20, L:B4 A10. Quebec the Halls vs. Dreaming of a White Dimple W:A21, L:B5
10:30 pm A11. 3 Wise Men vs. Reindeer Kattlers W:A22, L:B6 A13. Christmas Kiltameyer vs. Cold comfort W:A23, L:B7 A14. 1 Good 3 Naughty vs. The Fruitcakes W:A23, L:B7 A12. Mighty Noble Fir vs. Smoltz's Stocking Stuffers W:A22, L:B6 A15. Ken You Sweep What I Sweep? vs. Motley's Mulled Wine W:A24, L:B8
Sat 8:00 am B3. Jell-o Shots of the Month Club vs. 4 Calling Birds W:B10, L:D2 B1. The Naughty List vs. Pretend that he is Parson Brown W:B9, L:D1 B4. South for the Winter vs. Mele Knievelmaka W:B10, L:D2 B2. St. Nick and his Elves vs. Keendeers W:B9, L:D1 A16. Sommer Wonderland vs. Bah Humbug W:A24, L:B8
10:15 am A19. Who Schatz in my Stocking? vs. Clark! The Herald Angels Sing W:A26, L:C2 A17. Red Nosed Drain Beers vs. The Griswolds W:A25, L:C1 B5. Hot Buttered Bums vs. Quebec the Halls W:B11, L:D3 A18. Frosty the Guzman vs. Sharon's Little Helpers W:A25, L:C1 A20. Schweddy Xmas Stones vs. The Krampuses W:A26, L:C2
12:30 pm B7. Christmas Kiltameyer vs. The Fruitcakes W:B12, L:D4 B8. Ken You Sweep What I Sweep? vs. Bah Humbug W:B12, L:D4 B6. 3 Wise Men vs. Mighty Noble Fir W:B11, L:D3 A21. 3 Humans 1 Elf 2 Cups vs. Dreaming of a White Dimple W:A27, L:C3 A22. Reindeer Kattlers vs. Smoltz's Stocking Stuffers W:A27, L:C3
2:45 pm A23. Cold comfort vs. 1 Good 3 Naughty W:A28, L:C4   A24. Motley's Mulled Wine vs. Sommer Wonderland W:A28, L:C4    
6:00 pm A25. Red Nosed Drain Beers vs. Frosty the Guzman W:A29 A27. Dreaming of a White Dimple vs. Smoltz's Stocking Stuffers W:A30 C1. The Griswolds vs. Sharon's Little Helpers W:C5 A26. Clark! The Herald Angels Sing vs. The Krampuses W:A29 D2. Jell-o Shots of the Month Club vs. South for the Winter W:D5
8:15 pm B9. Pretend that he is Parson Brown vs. Keendeers W:B13 A28. 1 Good 3 Naughty vs. Sommer Wonderland W:A30 C2. Who Schatz in my Stocking? vs. Schweddy Xmas Stones W:C5 B10. 4 Calling Birds vs. Mele Knievelmaka W:B13 D1. The Naughty List vs. St. Nick and his Elves W:D5
10:30 pm B11. Hot Buttered Bums vs. 3 Wise Men W:B14 C3. 3 Humans 1 Elf 2 Cups vs. Reindeer Kattlers W:C6 B12. The Fruitcakes vs. Bah Humbug W:B14 D3. Quebec the Halls vs. Mighty Noble Fir W:D6 C4. Cold comfort vs. Motley's Mulled Wine W:C6
Sun 8:00 am C5. The Griswolds vs. Who Schatz in my Stocking? W:C7 A29. Frosty the Guzman vs. Clark! The Herald Angels Sing W:A31 D4. Christmas Kiltameyer vs. Ken You Sweep What I Sweep? W:D6 A30. Dreaming of a White Dimple vs. Sommer Wonderland W:A31  
10:45 am C6. Reindeer Kattlers vs. Motley's Mulled Wine W:C7 D5. St. Nick and his Elves vs. South for the Winter W:D7 B13. Keendeers vs. 4 Calling Birds W:B15 B14. 3 Wise Men vs. The Fruitcakes W:B15 D6. Quebec the Halls vs. Christmas Kiltameyer W:D7
1:30 pm D7. St. Nick and his Elves vs. Quebec the Halls B15. 4 Calling Birds vs. 3 Wise Men A31. Clark! The Herald Angels Sing vs. Dreaming of a White Dimple C7. The Griswolds vs. Reindeer Kattlers  

Last Update: 2025 Jan 13 7:53:44 pm PST