Granite Curling Club of Seattle
December 17-19, 2011 - Completed
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Team Information
Doug Kauffman, John Rasmussen, Ken Trask, Andrea Callegari
Record: 6-1 - A Winner
Won Saturday 9:00 am - Game A4 |
Team | End |
- kauffman makes draw against 2 for the win.
Won Saturday 2:00 pm - Game A6 |
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- nice double by benj against 3 blue. kauffman draws for 2.
- kauffman sitting 5 on guzman's last rock.
kauffman hits and sticks for 6. - nice double by rasmussen (blue) to keep house clean.
- guzman sitting 3 in back of house, on kauffman's last rock.
kauffman hits and sticks. guzman has hit for 3. - rasmussen throws terrific tap runback double on reds. blue sitting 1.
nice draw by guzman to sit 1.
kauffman attempts pick, scores 1. - blue throws through.
red puts up corner.
blue throws through again.
red puts up second corner.
blue attempts peel, noses.
red draws behind guard.
blue hits and sticks.
red draws top 8.
blue hits, takes out blue back 12 also. blue sits 1 top 8.
red attempts draw, racks on blue guard. blue sits 1.
blue peels red guard.
red draws deep, biting back 12.
skip rocks. kauffman takes out red rock. handshakes.
Won Saturday 7:00 pm - Game A7 |
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- Wow - Kauffman makes a risky double to take 4. The crowd goes wild!
Won Sunday 9:00 am - Game B6 |
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Won Sunday 2:00 pm - Game B7 |
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this is B final and will be feature game for comments.
- clean first end through second rocks.
skips trading hits. heading for possible blank.
blue sticks on final hit, scores 1. - another clean end. red has one corner guard, right of center.
ken trask (red) buries back 12 behind guard.
jon chartrand (blue) draws in front of red rock, back 8. blue sits 1 behind 3 guards.
red bounces all 3 guards, tapping red rock into top 8. red sits 1. third rocks.
kauffman has hit and stick for 3. - second rocks. red sitting 1 behind guard. 2 blues in house, 12 foot left and right.
third rocks, red sitting 3 around 4-foot.. one blue rock in house, 12-foot left.
blue removes 1 red, rolls to 12-foot. red sits 2.
final rock for radmer (blue) against 3 red, doubles out 2 reds, sits back 4-foot.
blue sits 1.
kauffman hits and sticks with last rock, sits 2.
pleasants hits with last rock, but rolls too far. red steals 1. - lead rocks. blue sits 1 on button, directly in front of red which is back 4.
ken trask (red) peels blue corner with his first stone.
trask throws nice double, clearing everything but 1 red in the 8 foot.
third rocks. red sits 2.
radmer (blue) doubles reds out, sits 1.
after hit and missed draw, kauffman splits in with first rock. red sits 2.
blue hits and sticks, red misses. pleasants draws in for deuce. - second rocks. blue sits 1 on button behind 2 guards. 1 red in house, back 4.
red corners to shot rock. blue draws top 4 in front of shot rock.
red also draws top 4. busy 4-foot with 5 rocks in the blue paint.
blue throws guard. red peels 2 guards, leaving lone blue center guard.
blue throws another guard, top 12.
red attempting run back. blue still sits 1.
skip rocks. blue still sits 1 behind 3 guards.
kauffman attempting in off to pin, rock is wide. blue steals 1. - second rocks. blue sits 1, top 8, behind 2 blue guards.
red noses peel. blue throws 3rd guard.
red peels 2 rocks, leaves guard right of center. blue sits 1, possibly 2.
blue throws another guard.
red peels most rocks off center. lone blue guard, tight, and shot rock top 8.
skip stones. blue still sits 1, top 8, behind high red guard.
pleasants (blue) throws another guard, tucked and staggered nehind red guard. kauffman left with draw to the 4.
kauffman comes up light. blue steals 1. - second rocks. red sits 1, top 4, exposed. blue has 2 corner guards.
blue hits, rolls behind corner. red draws light. blue draws in to count 2.
rasmussen (red) draws in nicely to 8 foot, sits 1.
blue draw on same line comes up short. red sitting 1.
rasmussen draws second red in to sit 2, right 4-foot exposed.
pleasants hits, rolls out. red sitting 1.
kauffman draws through house. red sitting 1. blue contemplating options.
pleasants overcurls and heavy on tap. red still sitting 1. kauffman need 4 foot for deuce.
nails it for the deuce. - second rocks. blue sits 1 on t line, behind red top 4 and 2 high red guards. blue throws guard. blue sits 1 behind a pile of granite.
red throws another guard. blue attempting peel. successful. still 3 guards in front of house.
red throws another guard. blue attempting draw around pile to 4 foot.
radmer (blue) draws to 4 foot, sits 2 for the moment, but may have left double for red. double is the call.
red flashes. blue sits 2. 5 rocks remain to be thrown.
blue throws guard.
kauffman peels red guard. still leaves many rocks guarding 2 blues.
pleasants guards. kauffman tries runback, missed.
pleasants has tough draw to side of 4 foot for 3.
wide and deep. blue scores 2. - lead rocks leave blue corner left of center with red guard closer to house, same side. 1 red in house exposed.
blue hits and rolls out. house empty.
second rocks. chartrand (blue) hits to sit 2 in 4-foot. 1 red rock in house, back 8.
a lot of granite in the 4 foot again. 2 blues and 1 red, with blue sitting 1 on button behind red. blue throws guard.
rasmussen throws nice runback to clear blue rocks out of 4 foot. red sits 1 biting button.
pleasants tries in off, catches own rock thick, dribbles toward pin. red still sits 1.
kauffman attempts tap back, to move blue. just off line. red sits 1, side by side with blue. red on pin, blue on t line, left of center. two red guards at top of house.
pleasants attempts draw, but is light.
kauffman taps red guard to second shot, red scores 2. - red center guard.
blue saddles up right next to red. 2 guards. red center, blue right of center.
red throws second guard, high right.
blue draw is light. 4 guards in front of house, 3 tight, 1 high.
ken trask (red) noses and removes blue guard. 2 red guards straddle center line.
chartrand (blue) doubles off 2 red guards.
trask replaces red guard, tight, right of center.
chartrand draws in, heavy, to back 8. blue sits 1.
rasmussen (red) draws, heavy, to back 12. blue sits 1.
radmer (blue) draws heavy to back 12. blue sits 2.
rasmussen draw hangs wide, comes up short of house. blue sits 2.
blue peels red center guard. blue sits 2, back 8 and back 12.
kauffman attempts freeze. nice shot, just shy of blue. red sits 1.
pleasants draws to red, bumps lightly. blue sits 1.
kauffman draws to blue. 5 rocks lie in a diagonal from pin to back 12. red sits 1 and 3, sandwiching a blue. team contemplates options.
big weight spills everything except a single red. kauffman steals for the win.
kauffman wins B event, to go with win in A event. looking like team to beat.
Lost Sunday 7:00 pm - Game C5 |
Team | End |
Kauffman is in the driver's seat for these playoffs. He almost has an incentive to lose this game - as then he gets tomorrow morning off before having to win one of the next two games. If he wins this game, he only has to win one of the next three games. Kauffman is play three handed tonight without Ken Trask.
- measure for whether it's one two or three.
- tom has two welded on top of blue at the back of the four foot. Doug's first rock is short and hits a rock at the top of the house. Second shot is a try at raise takeout - just misses
- Doug hits but doesn't quite roll out.
- Doug's last rock freezes on top of red with blue behind. Tom corners it, but only the shot rock scores.
- Leon doubles to lie four. Hit and roll doesn't roll. Leon hits. John rolls a bit this time. Tom crashes on the guard - blue has one at edge of eight, three blue on twelve. Doug's draw is light. Tom hits to lie four. Doug draws.
- John makes a double raise double to lie two. Leon make a double to lie two red. John makes a double raise takout that's almost a double but clears the four foot and leaves nothing in front of it. Leon's a bit light to split the house - it's mid eight foot. Doug almost doubles but leaves red shot with a blue in front and back of it. Tom rubs the guard on an attempt to lie two. Doug just ticks his blue into the shot to lie one by just a touch. Tom draws the back of the buttom.
- Duane lines up two close to the front of the house while Andreas draws the button and puts one in front of the two red. Paul draws the button - hard to tell who's shot. Andreas peels his own guard. Paul guards. John peels one guard but drives another into the button pushing the blue back to the edge of the eight so that red lies two. Leon guards. John clears more guards. Leon guards. John peels it. Tom guards but there's a corner of a red exposed. Doug rubs the guard. Tom guards. Doug almost makes a long raise takeout but the shot rock jams on the blue at the back and the raised rock rolls too far out.
- Andreas's third rock removes a red at the top of the house and rolls to the edge of the twelve foot at the T-line. There's a blue at the opposite center of the eight foot behind a red and blue lined up. Paul hits and stick on the blue at the twelve. John nudges his own blue and stops at the back of the four. Leon hits and sticks. Ditto for John. Leon almost doubles but his shot rolls behind the remaining blue. The blue is now off slight to the outside of the two lined up rocks in front of the house. John's draw is light and is in front of the house. Tom hits on the outside and rolls out to lie two. Doug draws but slightly rubs the guard to lie open. Tom hits and rolls past the guard line - but still lies three. Doug draws.
- Andreas puts up a center guard just back of the hog line. Duane draws the top eight foot. Andreas puts up another center guard four feet behind the first. Duane close to corner freezes his first shot. Andreas draws but nudges the two reds. Paul peels the top guard. John also nudges the stack of three and rolls outside. Paul peels guard 2. John's draw is light and sits just off the top of the stack of three. Leon double peels leaving two red at the top with a blue off to the side. John draws for shot but it's open. Leon hits and rolls behind the stack of two. Doug draw is heavy to the back of the eight. Tom hits and sticks. Doug concedes.
Kauffman clearly didn't lose the game on purpose - but he's probably looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning.
Won Monday 11:45 am - Game F1 |
Team | End |
Kauffman's team looks rested (they didn't have to play an 8am draw) and they're at full force today; they lost a close game to Violette yesterday, with only three players.
- The end starts clean, with teams trading hits in the house through the first six rocks. The hitting continues; this must have been what it was like before the Free Guard Zone rule. Violette leaves a single rock in the house for Kauffman to peel, but he misses for a nose hit and one point.
- Second verse, same as the first. Teams have decided that the FGZ is a dumb rule and they're ignoring it. On the 6th stone, Violette finally elects to freeze, but bumps a little and leaves it open for Kauffman to hit and sit two, but the hit is a little wide and rolls out, leaving one blue. Violette freezes again, but on the outside, so Kauffman tries to split the house to sit two; his rock under-curls and sits top-8, still two but not the position he wanted. Tom tries for the nose hit but over-curls and flashes, leaving Kauffman to put another stone top-8, and forcing Tom to draw full-8 for one. He decides to draw to the outside and it over-curls, but sweepers save it.
- And the hits just keep on coming. After lead rocks, Violette sits one on the edge of the 12-foot, which is peeled. Not wanting to be outdone, the thirds demonstrate that they can also peel. The skips trade hits, leaving Doug to peel the final rock, but he over-curls and is forced to take one.
- Sensing that the audience was getting bored, Violette chooses the tap-back instead of the hit with their first lead stone, leaving a blue rock at the back of the button. Kauffman hits-and-rolls to sit two, and Violette attempts the freeze, but over-curls to rest beside shot stone. Kauffman hits to lie three, and Violette draws for freeze again, but comes up short, top of the 8-foot. Kauffman tries to draw for a third scoring stone but comes up short, leaving the lone red rock available for a beautiful raise by Paul to lie first and fourth stones. Kauffman brings the heat, raising the red to push blue and red stones to back-8; when the movement stops, blue is sitting two with five stones in the house, and red has third shot. Violette hits shot stone and rolls, leaving Kauffman still sitting one, but red now second and third. Kauffman draws for button but is heavy, leaving a possible double for Violette to sit three. Leon is wide and hits out one to sit one. Doug tries to draw behind cover but is light and under-curls, sitting open at the top of the button, and leaving Violette a runback double to lie four. Tom is narrow and removes one each for blue and red, but Kauffman is still sitting second with an open hit to lie two. Doug nose-hits and Tom could draw for one, but decides instead to try a long double for three; he's narrow but still scores one.
- Hit me with your rhythm stick, hit me, hit me, hit me. A peel by Kauffman that doesn't roll out allows Violette to get a second rock in the house, which Kauffman peels. Tom splits the house with the first skip stone, and Doug freezes beautifully to it. Tom hits both out but keeps the shooter, forcing Doug to draw for one.
- If the audience didn't know better, they'd think they were watching a hitting practice. Eventually a rock rolls to a wide corner guard position, and Violette decides to draw behind it, but under-curls and slips just out the back of the house. Kauffman puts a rock in the house and Violette peels it, a trend that continues through skip's rocks until Tom's final stone over-curls and he's forced to take one.
- Violette opens with a draw to the button and Kauffman taps it to back-8, lying one. Violette tries for a hit-and-stick but rolls out, leaving a single red stone. Kauffman changes tactics and tries to put up a corner guard on the other side, but it's deep and in the house, so Violette hits and rolls to lie two. Kauffman hits but rolls out, so Violette draws to split the house. Kauffman hits, jamming on the back stone but clearing one of the reds. Violette peels the blue stone and still sits one. Kauffman tries to freeze but is a little heavy, rubbing off to leave Violette sitting shot. Leon doubles both the blue and red stones, leaving the red shooter in the house. Kauffman tries to freeze again but is short by 2 feet, and Tom picks out the blue stone to lie two. Doug freezes nicely to one of them for shot stone. Tom tries a hit but leaves one blue sitting shot, and Doug draws to the button for two.
- Kauffman opens with a rock in the 4-foot and Violette puts up a corner guard on the other side. Kauffman follows with a center guard and Violette tries a light hit, but is wide and rolls the blue stone to back of 4-foot. Kauffman draws to top-8, sitting two. Violette raises the blue stone, rolling the shooter to sit second and fourth stones. Kauffman puts up another near-center guard and Violette attempts to draw through a port, but crashes and opens a hole for a possible later hit. Kauffman draws for a guard but is heavy, sitting two behind the tee line in a position to be doubled. Violette draws to the button, fully buried behind a center guard. Kauffman follows him down, rubbing and sitting on the button; excitement builds as the audience is unable to determine who has shot rock. Leon throws a perfect hack-weight shot and the sweepers bring it paper-thin past the guard, driving back three blue stones and leaving Violette with two stones in the 4-foot behind cover. Doug says "anything you can do, I can do better", then throws a precise hack-weight double runback double to lie second (and maybe shot) near the edge of the 4-foot. Tom draws to full 4-foot, possibly lying two. Doug then disproves his earlier statement with a hack-weight shot to chip out shot stone that is wide and glides through the house. Tom draws again for two or three, but is heavy and goes out the back of the 4-foot. Measurement reveals that it's one red.
- Violette opens with a center guard and Kauffman draws behind it, half-buried in the 8-foot. Violette puts up another center guard and Kauffman puts up a narrow corner guard. Violette draws around but comes up short, leaving a corner guard. Kauffman taps back the corner guard to sit two behind a lot of cover, but with a narrow port that Violette draws through, tapping to sit one red top-8 and two blue in the 4-foot. Kauffman draws around, putting a guard full-12 to prevent a heavy draw but leaving a slash double/triple. Violette peels the guard, driving it back into the stones in the 4-foot and hitting one out, but leaving the guard in its place. Kauffman draws to replace the guard and is heavy, sliding through the house. Leon makes a nice runback double on a blue stone, leaving one blue and one red in the house, with blue shot at top-4. Kauffman draws down to angle-freeze on the red stone, hoping to prevent a runback, but over-curls and sits on the nose. Tom makes a difficult slash runback peel on the other side to remove the just-thrown blue stone. Doug is narrow on a draw around, rubbing off a center guard and rolling to the corner guard position. Tom tries to draw through a small port to get inside 4-foot, but rubs and stops full-12, leaving Doug a draw for two with full-8. And he makes it.
- Kauffman throws through and Violette puts up a high corner guard. Kauffman throws through again and Violette puts up the other corner guard. Let the peeling begin. Guard, peel, guard, peel; you get the idea. With 4 rocks left, Violette calls for a draw behind the remaining guard, in the 3 position. John makes a great runback double of both red stones. Violette draws into the house and Kauffman nose-hits it out. With only 2 rocks left to throw, Violette shakes.