US Women's Challenge Round

Granite Curling Club of Seattle

January 17-21, 2013 - Completed

Team Information


Maureen Stolt, Megan O'Connell, Amanda Tucker, Vicky (Victoria) Forconi

Record: 3-3

Won Friday 9:00 am - Game A4
Stolt   1 3     4 6 8          
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ellig H     2 5 7 9            
Lost Friday 2:00 pm - Game A8
Stolt       4 6   9            
Blank: 7 Score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Carlson H 1 2 3 5 8   10          
Won Saturday 9:00 am - Game B3
Stolt   2   4 5 6 10            
Blank: 8 9 Score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Coleman H   1 3   7              
Lost Saturday 2:00 pm - Game B7
Hamilton H       1     4         7
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Stolt   2 3 5 6                
Won Sunday 9:00 am - Game C5
Vukich H 4 7 8     9            
Blank: 2 Score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Stolt     1 3   5 6 10          
Lost Sunday 2:00 pm - Game C7
Stolt   2 4 7 10                
Blank: 6 9 Score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Clark H 1 3 5 8 11              
  1. Full house with mostly yellow as Patti follows the previous rock to lie one. Stolt counters. Clark bumps but rolls to the side. Stolt draws to lie one or two. Clarks draws on top of the two counters.
  2. Trading takeouts until Clark misses one and Stolt is on track for a deuce. Stolt comes up light for a guard. Clark removes the shot stone. Stolt draws behind the guard. Clark is light leaving Stolt a draw for two, but she's heavy.
  3. As Clark throws her first rock, the house is empty with a long center guard. Stolt hits and rolls but not out. Clark hits and sticks.
  4. Clean house. Clark's last rock hits and stays. Stolt hits but doesn't quite roll out.
  5. Trading takeouts. Clark's last rock hits and stays.
  6. Stolt hits and rolls out.
  7. Stolt third draws the side partly covered against two red at back of the house. Clark hits and stays. Stolt hits and stays. Clark hits and stays. Stolt hits and stays (as she has to because of the two in the back).
  8. Clark hits and stays.
  9. There are actually rocks in play as Stolt lies two behind a long red guard. Christina makes a great double around the guard. So we're back to hit and hit. Stolt draws on her first shot - ignoring the red biter - but is heavy. Clark's draw is light. Stolt hits the biter.
  10. Clark calls for Allen to put a guard in front of a yellow guard and two red shot stones - it's a bit wide but does make the runback difficult. Stolt peels the guard. Allen throws another guard that's probably easier to double with the other guard. Stolt only gets one of the guards. Clark hogs her guard. Stolt makes the runback but rolls almost out. Clarks draws the top of the house but is only third shot. Stolt has to raise for one.
  11. As Chistina's last rock is up, red is shot with a yellow just in front of it - behind a yellow center line guard. Clark and Allen decide on the peel. Then for the next shot, they decide on the guard, but it's in the house. Stolt draws to the top of the four. Allen draws in front of it. Stolt draws in front of that. Allen hits a bit to the side. Stolt is a bit narrow and peels one of the many guards. Clark guards close the big clutch of rocks. Stolt doesn't have any good options - goes for a complicated raise raise takeout. She's narrow and Clark doesn't have to throw the hammer.