Granite Curling Club of Seattle
December 14-16, 2013 - Completed
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Team Information
Kyle, Luc, Evan, Jake
Doug Potter
2013 Dec 14
Vukich |
Granite Curling Club | |
Men | |
Jake Vukich, Evan McAuley, Luc Violette, Kyle Lorvick, Ben Richardson, Tom Violette - coach | |
Record: 2-3 |
Lost Saturday 9:00 am |
Won Saturday 7:00 pm |
Blank: 1 | Score |
- Jake was looking at maybe scoring three, but several roll outs have reduced it to a clean house. Jake throws through.
- Luc throws a runback double to leave one blue in the house. Blue draws. Evan takes out the shot and rolls to the edge of the eight. Joel hits and sticks to lie 2. Jake corner freezes to lie one. Joel freezes to lie one. Jake has to draw.
- Benj throws through looking at red lying three. Evan draws in to lie four. Benj hits and rolls to in between two reds to lie one. Jake runs back to lie four again. Joel draws the button to lie one. Jake runs back to lie two. Joel hits and sticks.
- Jake is looking at a fairly open house with two blues towards the back. He taps the back blue and rolls to the side to lie one. Joel hits and rolls slightly to the side to lie three. Jake draws.
- Joel's first shot takes out a center guard and rolls away to expose the three red shot rocks - I think he wanted a run back. Jake is a little wide and leaves the port open - still not a trivial shot. Joel draws heavy onto the stack of reds.
- Benj is heavy on his first shot and light on his second to still have two reds behind cover and lying two. Evan raises Benj's blue into the two reds so that blue now lies one - ouch. Joel guards. Jake tries to run back blue to blue but is wide and removes it. Joel guards. Jake almost makes an amazing runback.
- Joel makes a great double to lie three. Jake near freezes to lie one. Larway ticks it back to lie one. Jake is a bit wide on a double.
- Jake draws/guards to lie four. Joel flashes. Jake draws again to lie five. Joel's draw is heavy.
- Blue putting up guards. Red peeling them. Luc's second peel flashes. Peter draws to the outside back twelve behind the guard. Evan peels. Benj draws the front other side of the house. Evan hits and rolls out. Benj draws deeper. Jake hits and rolls out. Joel draws deep - making the double that Jake's been trying almost impossible. Jake nose hits the back rock. Joel draws.
- Chad puts up a high center guard. Kyle draws around it. Chad puts up another center guard. Kyle draws around it to the back eight. Peter puts up another center guard. Luc peels - almost a double. Peter guards. Luc peels. Benj puts it in front of the shot red. Evan peels. Benj raises his blue to the back eight. Even peels. Joel hogs. Jake peels top blue. Joel doubles to lie two. Jake hits the top blue and sticks.
Won Sunday 9:00 am |
Ben Richardson playing lead for Vukich this morning.
- Evan hits and rolls to empty the house. John is light and wide on his draw to outside the house. Jake draws to the twelve outside. Doogie peels. Jake draws the button. Doogie hits and just rolls to the corner.
- Liam replaces a guard on two rocks at the top of the four - it's a little narrow. Luc is a little narrow to peel it. John's guard is at the top of the twelve right inbetween. Evan doubles the guard and one of the shot rocks. John guards. Evan throws another runback double. Doogie draws the back of the four through the few guards. Jake taps it back about a foot. Doogie corner freezes on it to lie one. Jake's draw is narrow and raises a guard - but not to shot.
- Evan hits and rolls to the outside. There's a pile of rocks in front to the right of center. John hits the outside red and rolls out. Evan ticks the guard instead of coming in. Doogie draws behind cover. Jakes misses a runback double. Doogie draws and slightly splits leaving a double possibility. Jake gets it.
- Jake has jammed up the front, but Doogie has drawn around. Evan corner freezes on the shot blue. John bumps the red blue combo to leave red one. Evan kinda guards. John bumps and rolls off, but doesn't change anything. Jake guards. Doogie opens something up - but not much. Jake guards. Doogie just misses a tick into the house.
- Similar to the last end, red has a bunch up front. Blue has a counter on the outside. John's peel jams on the counter leaving a red near the button. Evan guards. John peels. Jake's guard is a touch deep. Doogie is a bit narrow to jam on the back red. Jake draws to the outside to lie two. Doogie draws the button.
- Red has two behind the T-line, blue center guard. John hits and rolls to the back twelve. Evan hits and stays. Doogie hits and rolls out. Jake draws short - can't tell whether it's second or third. Doogie ticks a guard and rolls to shot but open. Jake hits and rolls out. Measure for one or two.
- Evan looking at four in the house, peels one. John draws a bit heavy in the back eight. Evan almost doubles - shooter in shot in front of one of the ones he moved. John hits and stays to lie four. Jake calls for time out. Jake corner freezes on the shot rock at the back. Doogie is heavy leaving red shot. Jake draws another in. Doogie has only a draw
- John draws the center to lie two. Evan hits and sticks - blue lies one. John draws behind the previous shooter half buried. Evan hits the blue and rolls out. Doogie draws in back again a little deeper and half covered. Jake draws top of the twelve, blue still shot. Doogie corner bumps his shot rock - leaving a possible double. Jake hits and sticks.
- Andrea draws fully behind a red guard. Luc draws next to it. Liam doubles it out along with a rock that used to be at the back. Liam draws half behind a corner guard. Evan draws in front of the two in the four foot. John misses everything and comes out the back. Evan draws wide and it's wide open. John comes wide again and ticks the red in for shot - ouch. Jake raises his top red into blue leaving a lonely blue in front of his shot red. Doogie hit raises to lie two. Jake doubles to lie two or three. Doogie doubles.
- Andrea center guards. Ben draws four foot half covered. Andrea center guards again. Ben ticks the top guard away - nice shot. Liam guards right in front of the other guard. Luc double peels. Liam guards. Luc peels. John guards. Evan peels. John guards just over the hog. Evan peels. Doogie guards. Jake peels. Doogie draws but a foot short of the freeze. Jake hits.
Lost Sunday 2:00 pm |
Blank: 2 | Score |
Evan sitting out this game. Luc playing third, Ben second. Silent web cast.
- Joel has a draw for five.
- Jake peels to blank.
- Jake tries for a double to blank.
- Jakes draws for two.
- measuring for whether the fourth is a biter.
- After the fifth end break, reality intrudes.
Lost Monday 9:00 am - Game Playoff 1 - vs. Larway